What Is a Spirit?
A spirit, or distilled spirit, is the result of a fermented liquid made from numerous fermentable raw materials such as cereals, fruits and plants among others.
Copper Pot Still used for batch distillation. The word "distill" finds its origin in Latin, derived from the verb "destillare”, meaning "to trickle down”. This term describes the small drops of liquid that condense during the process of distillation.
During the distillation process, this fermented liquid is exposed to heat, bringing the beer, wine, etc. to a boiling point where water and alcohol are separated. This process purifies the spirit and increases the alcohol content, which contains tons of aromatic and flavor compounds, congeners, created during fermentation. These vapors are cooled and end up resting in a stainless steel still tank or aging in a barrel.
The English word alcohol comes from the Arabic al-ko'hl. It is believed that the earlier eighth-century meaning of al-ko'hl is "spirit”, as in ghost or ethereal body.
Otherwise it can be read as "essence”, pointing to the separation and purification achieved by distillation.
What’s the difference between brown and clear spirits?
Many may say "contact with oak" and yes, we know that ALL spirits are clear when they come out of the still and that ALL the color comes from the oak, or at least it should.
However, a brown spirit signifies time spent in oak, which not only adds to its taste, but also its color.
On the other hand, a clear spirit can be one that was never exposed to oak, or was in the cask for only a brief period of time, such as a blanco tequila, which by law can't be in the barrel for more than two months. Then again, it could also be a spirit that has been aged for many years, but the color has been removed by filtration. For instance, Flor de Caña 4 Extra Seco, Casa Dragones Joven or Bacardí Superior.
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